How to export/import Zune settings

This is a short tutorial to the ones who need to backup zune configuration. After figuring out how to do it I decided to share my solution with you.

I’m not sure if it works 100%, including information about your shopping etc, but it ‘ll be stored in your account anyway. I work mainly with podcasts.

I did it from my old notebook to my new one, worked 100%!

Enable ‘view hidden files’ on your computer. You can do that going to organize->folder and search options on Windows Explorer.

Go to a folder called Zune: C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Zu ne

Copy ZuneStore.sdf to your backup folder.

When you need, copy it back to your brand new computer (but before rename the existing one to ZuneStore.sdf.old).

Good luck!